To be a modern regional centre of excellence for port facilities and services.


To be an efficient, cost-effective, customer focused Organization, providing a safe multi-use port facility and ancillary services for all customers, while meeting the national requirements for the re-building of Montserrat through Superstructure, Infrastructure and Human Resource Development, in keeping with International Maritime Standards.

Our Strategic Goals / Priorities are:

  1. To regulate the use of the port services and the facilities as considered necessary and desirable
  2. To safely administer and operate the Port (Little Bay and Plymouth) in a manner to best serve our stakeholders
    • Government of Montserrat, public and staff.
  3. To regulate and control navigation within the limits of the ports and its approaches
  4. To properly provide beacons, buoys and other navigational services and aids as considered necessary and desirable for the port (Little Bay and Plymouth) and is approaches.

Our Guiding Principles and Values

  1. We will put emphasis on our Human Resources – training and development, good interaction between Management and Staff; developing a team-based organization and a highly motivated staff
  2. We will conduct our affairs with professionalism, high ethical standards and integrity, recognizing our responsibilities to all our stakeholders
  3. We will continually adhere to the prescribed International Maritime and Safety Standards and generally accepted International Maritime and Port practices
  4. We acknowledge the dignity and value of our employees and will at all times seek their best interests and wellbeing
  5. We value the business of our customers. Highly sensitive to their needs, we commit to be flexible and creative in delivering a quality service at a competitive price
  6. We will continue to emphasize a blend of appropriate equipment and technology in servicing our customers
  7. We pride ourselves in being known as a good Corporate Citizen and will therefore have high respect for and support our state, our customers, our communities and environment, having due regard for the interest of our shareholders
  8. We will do all of the above as a market driven company that is financially sustainable.