Operations Process for clearing cargo from the Port Warehouse

  1. The shipping agent provides the consignee a “delivery slip” which allows the consignee to start the process of clearing the cargo through Customs and collecting the cargo from the Port Warehouse.
  2. The consignee presents the delivery slip to the Port Cashier and pays the Port charges. The Port Cashier will stamp the delivery slip to show that the amount is settled.
  3. The consignee will then present the stamped delivery slip to a Port Operations clerk stationed in Warehouse. The Port Operations clerk will locate the cargo and take it to the Customs area for examination in the presence of the consignee.
  4. After examination by Customs and the settlement of Customs charges, the consignee is given a Cargo Release Advice (CRA) by Customs.
  5. Then the Port Operations clerk takes the CRA and delivery slip from the consignee and prepares a Gate Pass. Port Operations clerk will print Gate Pass and load cargo on vehicle in conjunction with Port Security Officer stationed in Warehouse.
  6. Port Operations Clerk and Port Security will sign Gate Pass and present to Customer.
  7. Port Clerk / Port Operator would deliver cargo to vehicle or to customer if taking by hand.
  8. Customer to give gate pass to the Port Security Officer at the gate
  9. Port Security officer at the main gate would verify and sign Gate Pass and allow departure.